Informe: Marcos Sebastián Zapata
El tecladista y violonchelista de TARJA TURUNEN, nos concedió una entrevista EXCLUSIVA PARA MUNDO TARJISTA y esto fue lo que nos dijo:
MUNDO TARJISTA: ¿Como fueron tus inicios en la música?
CHRISTIAN KRETSCHMAR: «Puesto que mi familia es muy musical, mi infancia estuvo llena por completo con la música, la música y la música... no había absolutamente ningún escape. Y como yo era demasiado perezoso para aprender un oficio decente, aquí estoy!»
MT: Qué puedes decirnos acerca de las bandas en las que has participado "Slapjack", "Spaceball" y "Maniac"?
CK: «Estas tres bandas eran todas “cover bands” y por suerte de las mejores. En Alemania en los años ochenta y noventa, se trataba de un negocio muy grande. Pude aprender mucho de lo que conozco hoy en día sobre la programación de sonidos por ejemplo. En realidad, adoro esta parte de mi carrera fue como mi educación básica para convertirme en un músico profesional del teclado.»
MT: ¿Cómo ha sido este viaje / gira con TARJA TURUNEN? ¿Lo defines como algo totalmente diferente a lo que hayas hecho antes?
CK: «Supongo se refieren a nuestros conciertos en América Latina en el mes de marzo? Sí – esto fue realmente algo especial - Nunca había estado en América Latina hasta ahora, y yo estaba (todavía lo estoy) muy impresionados por la belleza de los países, pueblos, las ciudades, los comida, bebidas, de las playas y.. .;) »
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MT: ¿Violonchelo o teclados? ¿Por qué?
CK: «¡Violonchelo y teclados, esa es la clave! Me encanta tocar el bajo también, todos los instrumentos son muy diferentes, y ofrecen una nueva perspectiva a la música. Es muy saludable para mí cambiar el instrumento de vez en cuando - me mantiene curioso.»
MT: Nuestro STAFF tuvo la oportunidad de ir a Perú y Argentina, dos conciertos en los que tocaste con TARJA, ¿fue esta tu primera visita a Latinoamérica? ¿Cuál ha sido tu impresión acerca del público latinoamericano?
CK: «Que la gente en América Latina es la audiencia más loca que he visto en este planeta hasta ahora, y me refiero a esto de una manera muy positiva.»
MT: ¿Cómo ha sido la experiencia durante el proceso de grabación de "What Lies Beneath"?
CK: «Trabajar en el álbum con TARJA fue una de las mejores experiencias, un proceso de producción de un álbum nunca antes visto, porque TARJA y su equipo son de mente muy abierta y honesta en cuanto a la música, así como en la comunicación con los músicos. Gran trabajo, y estoy deseando que llegue el próximo álbum!»
MT: ¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de las giras?
CK: «Estar en el escenario casi todos los días es un regalo - la vida durante la gira se llena de música. Cuando no estás en el escenario, viajas y pasas el rato con los amigos... para mí, es simplemente el mejor trabajo del mundo. Y, por último, viajar significa que estás fuera de casa, lo que significa que volverás a casa después de todo, lo que hace que la familia aún más preciada.»
MT: ¿Cómo es estar en una gira con TARJA TURUNEN?
CK: «Es un trabajo extremadamente excitante, puedes ver todo el mundo, puedes tocar una gran variedad de música junto a algunos de los mejores músicos que existen. Me siento muy bendecido de ser parte de esto.»
MT: ¿Qué harás al terminar la gira? ¿Tienes proyectos personales mente o simplemente relajarte un poco?
CK: «Oh, espero que mi vida continúe. En realidad, después de la gira es antes de la gira, y espero que haya mucho más de "TARJA" por venir!»
MT: ¿Cuáles son sus expectativas sobre los festivales que se aproximan?
CK: «Estoy deseando muchísimo a que lleguen los festivales. Tocar en festivales es muy diferente a las giras, porque siempre hay una disposición del escenario diferente, el equipo, audiencia, país, idioma... todo varía de espectáculo en espectáculo. Muy bonito!»
MT: Proyectándonos hacia el festival "Rock in Rio 2011", en el que se presentaran con figuras de renombre mundial: ¿Cuál es tu impresión de tocar al lado de leyendas como Metallica, Coldplay, Slipknot, entre otros?
CK: «Hasta donde yo sé, TARJA tocará sin su banda... así que mi primera aparición en el mismo escenario con Metallica tendrá que esperar todavía un poco más... »
MT: ¿Qué expectativas tienes acerca del dúo de TARJA TURUNEN con Valery Kipelov del festival "Rock en el Volga"
CK: «No sé mucho acerca de eso todavía, pero siempre es muy interesante tener un vocalista invitado en la banda. Es increíble ver, cuánto una voz diferente en la música lo cambia todo.»
MT: ¿Cuál es su evaluación sobre la participación de invitados especiales de Leaves 'Eyes "What Lies Beneath Europa Tour 2011" en su paso por Alemania?
CK: «Me sentí genial al tenerlos como invitados especiales durante toda la gira, gente agradable y su música muy interesante. Espero que nos reunamos de nuevo pronto!»
MT: Acerca de las presentaciones con orquesta… ¿Cómo describirías el proceso individual durante los ensayos y la respuesta del público en general?
CK: «Desde que he venido tocando con orquestas, cuando era una joven violoncelista hasta ahora, estas siguen siendo por mucho, el más impresionante "generador de sonido" para mí. Se produce una increíble cantidad de energía musical cuando una grande (y buena) orquesta interpreta. Por lo tanto, me encanta tocar con orquestas, y espero que haya muchas más oportunidades como "Masters of Rock 2010" o el festival del año pasado en Hungría!»
MT: What can you tell us about the band that you've been "Slapjack", "Spaceball" and "Maniac"?
CK: «These three bands were all cover bands, and fortunately of the better kind. In Germany in the eighties and nineties, this was quite a big business. I've learned most of what I know today about programming sounds in these years for example. Actually, I worship this part of my career as my basic education to become a professional keyboard player.»
MT: How this trip / tour with TARJA TURUNEN have been? Do you define it as something totally different than anything you did before?
CK: «I guess you mean our tour in Latin America in march? Yes - this was actually something special - I've never been to Latin America so far, and I was (I still am) very impressed by the beauty of the countries and the people and the cities and the food and the drinks and the beaches and…
;) »
MT: Our STAFF had the opportunity to be in Peru and Argentina, two concerts in which you play with TARJA, It was your first visit to Latin America? What is your impression about the Latin American public?
CK: «You people in Latin America are the craziest crowds I've seen so far on this planet, and I mean this in a very positive way»
MT: How your experience in the recording process of "What Lies Beneath" has been?
MT: What likes you most about the tours?
CK: «Being on stage almost every day is a gift - touring life is filled with music. When you're not on stage, you travel and hang out with friends…for me, it's simply the best job in the world. And finally, touring means that you're away from home, which means that you can really come back home after all, what makes family even more precious.»
MT: What is be on tour with TARJA TURUNEN?
CK: «It is an extremely exciting job, you see the whole world, you play a wide variety of music together with a couple of the best musicians that exist. I feel very blessed to be a part of it.»
MT: What will you do to end the whole tour? Do you have personal projects in mind or just relax a bit?
CK: «Oh, I hope my life will go on
Actually, after the tour is before the tour, and I hope there will be much more "TARJA" to come!»
MT: Which are your expectations about the festivals that will be on soon?
MT: Projecting to the festival "Rock in Rio 2011", in which you will with world´s renowned figures: What is the feeling of playing alongside legends like Metallica, Coldplay, Slipknot among others?
CK: «As far as I know, TARJA will perform there without her band - so my first appearance on the same stage with Metallica will have to wait still a bit longer…
MT: What do you expect on TARJA TURUNEN´s duet with Valery Kipelov of the festival "Rock in Volga"?
CK: «I don't know too much about it yet, but it is always very interesting to have a guest vocalist in the band. It is amazing to see, how much a different voice changes everything in music.»
MT: About Orchestra presentations... How would you describe the individual process during rehearsals and responsiveness of the general public?
CK: «Since I've played in orchestras a lot myself when I was a young cello player, this is still by far the most impressive "sound generator" for me. There's an incredible amount of musical energy produced, when a big (and good) orchestra performs. So, I love playing with an orchestra, and I hope there will be many more opportunities like "Masters of Rock 2010" or last year's festival in Hungary!»
MUNDO TARJISTA: How was your start in the field of music?
CHRISTIAN KRETSCHMAR: «Since my family is a very musical one, my childhood was totally filled with music, music and music…there was absolutely no escape. And as I was too lazy to learn a decent job, here I am...»
CHRISTIAN KRETSCHMAR: «Since my family is a very musical one, my childhood was totally filled with music, music and music…there was absolutely no escape. And as I was too lazy to learn a decent job, here I am...»
MT: What can you tell us about the band that you've been "Slapjack", "Spaceball" and "Maniac"?
CK: «These three bands were all cover bands, and fortunately of the better kind. In Germany in the eighties and nineties, this was quite a big business. I've learned most of what I know today about programming sounds in these years for example. Actually, I worship this part of my career as my basic education to become a professional keyboard player.»
MT: How this trip / tour with TARJA TURUNEN have been? Do you define it as something totally different than anything you did before?
CK: «I guess you mean our tour in Latin America in march? Yes - this was actually something special - I've never been to Latin America so far, and I was (I still am) very impressed by the beauty of the countries and the people and the cities and the food and the drinks and the beaches and…

MT: Cello or Keyboards? Why?
CK: «Cello AND keyboards, that's the key! I love playing the bass as well, all instruments are very different, and deliver a new perspective to music. It is very healthy for me to change the instrument once in a while - it keeps me curious. »
CK: «Cello AND keyboards, that's the key! I love playing the bass as well, all instruments are very different, and deliver a new perspective to music. It is very healthy for me to change the instrument once in a while - it keeps me curious. »
MT: Our STAFF had the opportunity to be in Peru and Argentina, two concerts in which you play with TARJA, It was your first visit to Latin America? What is your impression about the Latin American public?
CK: «You people in Latin America are the craziest crowds I've seen so far on this planet, and I mean this in a very positive way»
MT: How your experience in the recording process of "What Lies Beneath" has been?
CK: «Working on the album with TARJA was one of the best experiences in an album production process ever, because TARJA and her team are very open minded and honest in music, as well as in communication with the musicians. Great working, and I'm looking forward to the next album! »
MT: What likes you most about the tours?
CK: «Being on stage almost every day is a gift - touring life is filled with music. When you're not on stage, you travel and hang out with friends…for me, it's simply the best job in the world. And finally, touring means that you're away from home, which means that you can really come back home after all, what makes family even more precious.»
MT: What is be on tour with TARJA TURUNEN?
CK: «It is an extremely exciting job, you see the whole world, you play a wide variety of music together with a couple of the best musicians that exist. I feel very blessed to be a part of it.»
MT: What will you do to end the whole tour? Do you have personal projects in mind or just relax a bit?
CK: «Oh, I hope my life will go on

MT: Which are your expectations about the festivals that will be on soon?
CK: «I'm looking forward to the festivals a lot. Playing festivals is very different to touring, because there's always a different stage setup, crew, crowd, lineup, country, language - everything changes from show to show. Very nice!»
MT: Projecting to the festival "Rock in Rio 2011", in which you will with world´s renowned figures: What is the feeling of playing alongside legends like Metallica, Coldplay, Slipknot among others?
CK: «As far as I know, TARJA will perform there without her band - so my first appearance on the same stage with Metallica will have to wait still a bit longer…

MT: What do you expect on TARJA TURUNEN´s duet with Valery Kipelov of the festival "Rock in Volga"?
CK: «I don't know too much about it yet, but it is always very interesting to have a guest vocalist in the band. It is amazing to see, how much a different voice changes everything in music.»
MT: What is your assessment about the participation of special guests Leaves 'Eyes of "What Lies Beneath Europe 2011 Tour" on their way through Germany?
CK: «I was great to have them as special guests throughout the tour, nice people and very interesting music. I hope we will meet again soon!»
CK: «I was great to have them as special guests throughout the tour, nice people and very interesting music. I hope we will meet again soon!»
MT: About Orchestra presentations... How would you describe the individual process during rehearsals and responsiveness of the general public?
CK: «Since I've played in orchestras a lot myself when I was a young cello player, this is still by far the most impressive "sound generator" for me. There's an incredible amount of musical energy produced, when a big (and good) orchestra performs. So, I love playing with an orchestra, and I hope there will be many more opportunities like "Masters of Rock 2010" or last year's festival in Hungary!»
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